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2016 - 17 Volunteers
Fill out your interests and click SUBMIT at the bottom of the form. More info about your selected activities will be sent to you.
First Name
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Last Name
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Phone Number
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Email Address
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Street Address
include street, city and zip
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M28 team
For those that want to go deeper in world missions & their personal growth; we pray and learn together twice per month, then go to minister to students individually or in groups
Lake Party
Help on Sept 4 or 5 (Sunday & Monday of Labor Day); FUN new student event 3-6pm. Check many boxes.
Shopping Help
take 1-2 students shopping regularly for food or one time for furniture
Airport Pickup
get students from the airport 1-2 times per year when available
Temporary Housing
I can house students for a few days in emergencies
English Conversation Tutor
Tuesdays in Sept/ October as helper in Englsih class; on my own with 1-2 students anytime/anyplace; or both
Friendship Dinners
outreach dinners at a church 2-3 times per year
Home Dinners
dinners at my home to develop a friendship with one or 2 students
Bible Tutor
with one or more students; my home or on campus; weekly; for 1 semester or more
Monthly social
come to or sponsor/coordinate socials for the students
Other ways to help
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Matched with students
give names of local students with which you are already committed to building a friendship
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