Just a quick admonition. I have been going through the book of Revelation for the last ~7 months at BSF and I have honestly had a huge revelation, myself (no pun intended). It is about God’s holiness. I have known about Gods holiness for a little over 40 years. I have always respected it, been in awe of it and in all honesty repelled by it (even though saved, I am still not a holy person in all my behavior). Revelation, to me, is all about God’s holiness. A couple months ago I started thanking Him at length each night for His holiness, His perfection and what that means for the world and then to me, personally. I won’t go into detail right here what amazing insights God gave me on what is holiness really means to the whole history of His (and our) existence but let me say this. As I mentioned, God’s holiness has always been something that was almost offensive to me, certainly something that was not endearing. Well, 2-3 months ago that all changed drastically! As I was thanking Him regularly for His holiness and mediating on what that means to all of His other attributes, and to His plan for creation, I noticed I was starting to actually be drawn toward His holiness and, believe it or not, be endeared to it! I started LOVING Him for it. Before, I would love Him for His grace and mercy and lovingkindness and tenderness. For the first time I was crying and thanking Him for His holiness! It is hard to explain in words but it was like this- imagine a house you love (maybe your own). You love the style, the layout, the staircase, the counters, the dormer windows, the carpet… Just everything! Such a beautiful house! You tell everyone about your house and invite them over to see it. They agree, what a beautiful house. One day you crawl under your house to fix a pipe. Underneath, you clearly see the foundation of your house, the monstrous support beams and concrete footings and floor joist. Now, in all honesty, they are not beautiful by any stretch of the imagination, but are they strong and secure! You marvel and how excellent and precise they are put into place. All of a sudden you feel even better about your house. Beyond that you think this- I love my house and the style, the roof lines, the windows, the counters and carpet… it is really a beautiful house. I just love it. But wait, if there was no foundation would I love it? If I looked under the house and the wood was rotten or decayed or sitting on sand, what would I think? Would I love it, would I even live in it? No! I would not! Would I tell everyone about how great my house is? No. You see, the reason the style is beautiful, the layout, the staircase, the counters, the windows… they are only beautiful BECAUSE of the foundation! It is really the foundation that makes everything you love about your house beautiful. Re-read that sentence. The same with God, it is His holiness, His perfection that makes everything that you love about Him beautiful. In reality, it is really His holiness you love Him for, what draws your heart! For the first time in my life I no longer say to God- I am a stranger to Your holiness. I say- I love You so much because of Your holiness!